Devang Bhuva

Senior Software Engineer

Work Experiences


Senior Software Engineer
Feb 2021 - Present
  • Crafted a payment flow architecture that enables us to efficiently integrate new payment providers into our system with minimal disruption. As an example, successfully integrated the NMI payment provider into our system in under a week by rapidly understanding and utilizing their APIs. This showcased the agility and effectiveness of our payment flow design.
  • Developed a npm package for a payment element component that determines which payment provider SDK to load based on the settings & seamlessly handles the payment. This significantly streamlined the integration of new payment features and eliminated redundant efforts for other teams.
  • Designed a versatile recurring trigger system that can be leveraged to build various other recurring functionalities. As an example, implemented recurring invoicing with auto payment and created an in-house subscription system, similar to Stripe's model, for and NMI payment providers.
  • Mapped out and integrated Stripe transactions and subscriptions across multiple features, including order forms, calendars, invoices, and text2pay payments.
  • Created a comprehensive monitoring dashboard to proactively identify and resolve critical issues before customers reached out.
  • Developed an internal product store that integrates with our payment integrations and enables us to sell products through order forms.

Bank Novo

Full Stack Developer
Dec 2018 - Feb 2021
  • Designed a secure and scalable React-based web application that offers comprehensive banking services.
  • Collaborated with various internal stakeholders (Product, Growth, NRD, and CS) to develop execution plans for new features, and executed the development of both front-end and back-end functionality.
  • Built multiple features aimed at reducing fraud and enhancing authentication flows.
  • Enhanced the codebase of our existing applications, specifically with React and GraphQL.
  • Implemented user and system action tracking using Segment to provide insightful data to internal stakeholders for better decision-making.


Software Engineer
May 2018 - Dec 2018
  • Developed UI/UX (using React) and API (using Django) for “Money Planner” (Fintech product of Aditya Birla Capital) from scratch.
  • Responsible for scope out the feature implementation with the product manager.
  • Mentored interns and freshers in all teams & also helped to take any tech decision or solve problems.
  • Managed devops services of AWS like EC2, SES, S3.


Software Engineer Intern
Nov 2017 - April 2018
  • Learned React, Redux & Laravel and developed the complete product “Mechhub” (Marketplace for Mechanics) as a team of 2 interns.


Web Engineer Intern
Nov 2016 - Mar 2017
  • Learned PHP and developed an email marketing service using PHPList.


Social Media Marketing Intern
Jun 2016 - Sep 2016
  • Managed wordpress site and twitter profile. Helped in creative content for food posts.

Top Tech Skills

Node.js Nest.js JavaScript React
GraphQL PostgreSQL MySQL MongoDB


Information Technology (B.E.)

L.D. College of Engineering
2014 - 2018

CPI : 8.28

12th Science (H.S.C.)

Navyug School of Science
2012 - 2014

Percentage : 86.33%

10th (S.S.C.)

Shree Chanakay Vidhya Sankul
2011 - 2012

Percentage : 94.20%


Restaurant Food Order Management

Realtime customer dine-in and dine-out food order management
React GraphQL Node PostgreSQL

Tweets Auto Like & Retweet

The user can like / retweet any hashtag & user’s tweets ( Last 7-10 days ) with a single click.
Laravel Twitter API MySQL

Twitter Timeline

The user can export the latest 10 tweets of User & their followers' tweets data on Google Spreadsheet and also download as CSV, EXCEL, PDF and JSON Format. The user can also export & download up to 3200 tweets data of any twitter user.
PHP Twitter API Google API MySQL


Participants of TechTop 2017 can write their daily experiences as a blog with documents, project files & remote presentation upload / present facility.
Laravel GitHub API Google API MySQL

Extra Activities

Participate in Rajasthan Hackathon 4.0
Mentor and Social Media Manager in Tinkerfest (Organized by Techtop & NITI Ayog)
Participate in TechTop National Workshop 2017
Web Engineer in GTU CENTRAL TECHFEST 2017
Managed 2 Week Summer School 2016 @ LDCE
Organized Summer Internship Fair 2016 @ LDCE as Core Team Member
Worked 1 Year in LDCE NSS (National Service Scheme)

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